Not funny..

The oscars are gonna blow because this boob is hosting them.


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That's what I was thinking too.


Thank-goodness I'm not alone. I've never liked him one bit. Not the least bit funny.

Destroying an Empire to win a war is no victory, and ending a battle to save an Empire is no defeat.


One gets the impression he is lauded to the skies mainly because of his status of "celebrity gay": rather like our own pompous poof steven fry?!


Ugh. I actually didn't know he was the host until today. I've been too busy catching up on nominees.

I have zero interest in him as a host. I hope he does a good job, but I'd just as soon watch the guy down the block host them.

Most host choices baffle me. Seth Macfarlane...a guy known for lowbrow humor? Ellen and that schticky talk show? James Franco and Anne Hathaway...sorry, not hosts. Hugh Jackman? Jon Stewart...for over half an hour as himself? Where do they come up with these?

Let's face it, pretty much everyone around pales compared to Billy Crystal. He knows how to work that show when he's at the helm. Is he the most popular with "the kids"? Is he edgy? No, but is that all they want in a host?

I'm sure others are out there that can do a great job but the big shots are looking for the wrong thing in most of their recent choices.


I think he is pretty funny and will do a good job.


He was awful, OP was right.


He is great when he hosts The Tonys. He bombed big time tonight.
