MovieChat Forums > Neil Patrick Harris Discussion > Neil is doing an AWESOME job at the Osca...

Neil is doing an AWESOME job at the Oscars!

Neil Patrick Harris is funny and witty for making jokes like the "it takes balls to wear a dress like that"...

But better than that though, Neil Patrick Harris really made me proud to be an American with the "Edward Snowden could not be present for some TREASON" joke. That comment was funny, insightful and prescient.

Edward Snowden is most definitely a traitor. He is not the hero that the Oscars is making him out to be. Edward Snowden is just a mediocre hacker who was jealous of those who abused their access. However, NOBODY abused their access more than Snowden. America trusted Edward Snowden (just like we have to trust everyone we give top secret access) and he betrayed his own government. He did a great dis-service to our nation and it's citizens. Snowden should never be allowed back in the USA, except to rot in a cell at Leavenworth.


I don't know about Snowden, but I agree he did a good job. I found him funny and likable.



Snowden revealed that the NSA and other Intelligence agencies were acting against the Constitution and lying to the public, as well as to Congress and the President. Who exactly are the traitors? In a few decades he will be seen as a noble whistleblower at a time when certain areas of the government were grossly breaking the law, just like Daniel Ellsberg's release of the Pentagon Papers exposed the illegal bombing of a sovereign nation (Cambodia). You sound like a brain-washed peasant.


The congress knew about the NSA program (or should have known since congress permitted it). The problem was one of tighter oversight rather than an automatic rubber stamp on all search requests. The patriot act took away a lot of privacy that Obama was already reigning in (although it has admittedly been accelerated since the leaks).

However, Snowden went way to far in stealing and sending the insane amount of information to a reporter for The Guardian (they will publish anything they get from anyone - true or not, ethical or not). Our gov't would be irresponsible if they didn't spy on our behalf. What harm has the gov't done to you by searching for terrorist communications? None? Thought so.

If you are so paranoid about privacy, don't send postcards in the mail that the gov't can easily read (or yahoo mail). Use encryption.


I was fine with how he did, except that whole recap thing at the end was pointless


I don't know if Neil was taking sides in the question of Edward Snowden so much as he was just making a joke by pointing out the fact not everyone agrees with what Snowden did. It was edgy, and it was funny. Good on Neil.
