I have a medium amount of respect for him
Not a lot, not a little.
shareHehe. I always like him.
And I have respect for his participations in public or tv shows.
I wouldnt exactly travles miles to meet him. Okay maybe 1 mile or 2. But yes. He is so decent 🥰
I want him to sign a baseball ball or something if I ever get the chance. :p or a rugby ball. He seems like the kind of guy irl that would like that type of thing and so do I :p
I have huge respect for him cheering for New York Jets or anything superbowl.
I also have a huge respect for him going to pizza hut and is publicly seen :D
Is there any celebrity that usually answers emails online? Would be cool actually.
I have huge respect if Woody does this but I also have huge respect if he doesnt or maybe has a loading screen from his home computer. I have a huge respect if he uses the wrong Windows btw :p I almost hope he does.
He is so cute actually. He uses probably Windows 98 to answer fan mails 😍