MovieChat Forums > Melanie Griffith Discussion > Unlike Don, Melanie didn't acknowledge D...

Unlike Don, Melanie didn't acknowledge Dakota's birthday!

Find it rather interesting that unlike Don, who posted a really sweet picture of Dakota and him with a birthday message for her, Melanie did not publicly recognize Dakota's birthday like she did with her son Alex's birthday.


Don probably did it to make YOU think he is an attentive person. She probably did not do it because YoU are irrelevant in this context. The first step is for you to acknowledge that it is not your place to judge how strangers communicate to each other, specifically communication that does not include you. The second step is to remove YOU as a major player in strangers lives. Ask yourself, What can be learned from a stranger not publicly saying Happy Birthday?? Do you publicly say happy birthday to everyone you know?? And since you do not, are the reasons our business. Even as mundane as these reasons may be???


Or... She was too high and didn't remember it was her birthday.
