There may have been other directors who were more racist, but non had such a huge pro-racist impact on society. This was the first feature-length film made in the US and it was a commercial phenomenon, everyone saw it! Including all the racists in the US, who saw the film and were inspired to revive the KKK. The KKK had been founded after the Civil War and had been stamped out by 1915, but it was revived after the goddamn movie came out and was a plague on the USA for the next 70 years.
I really wonder what Hollywood thought of Griffith. I've heard that by the 1920s his career was in decline and by the 1930s he was considered an unemployable has-been, who spent his days hanging around Hollywood hotspot clubs hoping someone would notice him. Was that because he wasn't making enough money for the Hollywood Powers that Be, or did anyone in Hollywood disapprove of him or his affect on society?