Cuba Goodings Masculinity
I know the title reads weird, but let me explain. What ruined his show business career was when he allowed Hollywood to expose his closet-gay masculinity. Let me explain!!!! Whenever a black male charecter allows the Hollywood machine to have them portray gay's, wear dresses and or dress up in drag or pretend to be getting rapped in the butt, their career goes down hill fast! Ving Rhames, for example, in his famous butt banging scene from Pulp Fiction, not to mention his "I am gay" speech in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. Cuba did an entire drag queen number in one of his stupid movies and he looked pleased as a punk to be doing the scene. It was his secret coming out statement in that role. Once Hollywood takes a black man's masculinity away, he ain't far from being in the worst movies and tv shows created. Michael K. Williams from The Wire played a gay gangster. And if he takes one more role in which he is gay or feminine acting, it will be the end of him. It typecast these people when they portray the same type of charecter over and over, which is why in gangster movies, we get some of the same Italian actors from previous mob movies. Hollywood can't see outside of this box. Italians are gangsters or in the mafia. Black men are lousey husbands and boyfriends, drug users and gay. Asians are all super karate fighters. They tend to keep everyone in the same box. Look up some of the cast from the SOpranos and check out their upcoming projects. Most of the actors and actresses from that show either have almost no work or a few jobs, with the Mafia as the storyline. The reason that some of them have few jobs scheduled is that they are trying to turn down all of the mob movies they get offered. But we shall see that after a couple more years, they will take whatever is offered because they need the money. People who have talent, grow weary of being type cast as the same ole charecter. Few make the transition into varied roles, Pacino and Deniro have done ok. When you see Deniro in This Boys Life and Meet The Parents and several other non-mob related movies, he is dynamite! Same for Pacino. But James Gandolfini is having a hell of a time getting past Tony Soprano! He may never live it down long enough to play a role that takes him out of the mob minded Hollywood casting agents. Cuba Gooding messed himself up when he allowed his sexual preferrence to influence his choice of scripts to accecpt. Now, they keep coming to him with goofy junk or gay roles. He turned down the role of Otis Redding because he felt it didn't have enough sex scenes in it!!!!!!!!!!! When the hell were they gonna insert sex in an Otis Redding biopic, on the dock of the bay?