MovieChat Forums > Cuba Gooding Jr. Discussion > One of the 50 most beautiful people in t...

One of the 50 most beautiful people in the world in '97?

According to IMDb, Cuba was chosen by "People Magazine" as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world in 1997. I'm not trying to "dis" Cuba, and he's not a bad looking guy, but I mean come on now. NO ONE has ever made him out to be a sex symbol? He had to be selected for token reasons, and not for his appearance.


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Are you sure? Everything is in personal taste.


True, it's purely a matter of opinion, but I've never heard any female make out over him because of his looks. Somehow, he doesn't strike me as the type of guy who would be made out to be a sex symbol. But '97 was the year that "Jerry Maguire" was released, Cuba's most famous work. I guess the strength of that movie, coupled with winning an Oscar, made him highly popular.


Jerry Maguire was released in 96. He won the oscar in 97.


lol...My point is that the People Magazine tribute was concurrent with Cuba's new found popularity after winning an Oscar.


Actually the whole "most beautiful people" also includes people's looks AND personalities. And I've seen people who've met him say he's a genuinely sweet/humble yada yada kind of guy and for a lot of people he did look good in Jerry McGuire so combo both of those and you've got top 50.
