Every Andy Garcia film must have...
...at least one of these bits of actor's business in them.
1. Andy does the scene where he grabs someone's head in both his hands and shouts right into their face.
2. Andy does the scene where, while seated and apparently in a state of total relaxation, he angrily shouts at the top of his voice while his face belies an inner calm the Dalai Lama would kill for.
C. Andy does the scene where he explosively loses his temper, destroys an inanimate piece of furniture, e.g. a chair, and then dramatically and instantly becomes the hyper-cool ice man as if the angry explosion never even happened....
(NB The chair in 2 often becomes the pile of wood in C.)
It is a recognised legal and contractual obligation that if Andy does not provide one of the aforementioned bits of business in a given film, the cinema audience is entitled to a full refund of its entry fee. And that's a fact. So if you see an Andy Garcia film without one of the above in it, march yourself round to the cinema manager's office and demand a full refund. I guarantee you'll get your money back and a grovelling apology. Maybe even a free tub o' popping corn if you play your cards right.