why do they call her hanoi jane
shareHave to wonder why you post on a movie website if you have such a low opinion of Hollywood
shareYou must have your head in the sand if you don't know. They still haven't gotten over it after 40+ years.
shareLet me know if you would of "gotten over it" if it was you or one of your family members over there fighting a war (unjust or not) and this "Hollywood star" and fellow American comes over to take propaganda pictures sitting at an Anti-aircraft gun wearing a helmet that was used to shoot at her countrymen while smiling with our then enemy? Not to mention not far from her American servicemen were brutally tortured on a daily basis and not no water boarding that people think is torture! She and other anti-war "protestors" who came there gave aid and comfort to our enemy while our countrymen and allies were being killed and injured. Yea a lot of Vets have "gotten over it" but most will never and for good reason!
share Commies are worse than Nazis and as bad as Islamists. Lefties are outraged over imaginary Nazis like Pepe!
Posing with Vietcong is like posing with Hitler, pol pot, or ISIS. Hollywood leftists are scum for defending her!
Because of her 1972 visit to North Vietnam as protest over America's Christmas bombing campaign.
shareShe was a prostitute in Hanoi during the Vietnam War.
That's what Henry told me.