MovieChat Forums > David Fincher Discussion > anyone else tired of his visual style?

anyone else tired of his visual style?

His past three films have all looked rather interchangeable to me. He seems to always employ the same color scheme, the same smooth camera movement, the same moody lighting, and even the same aspect ratio. If it weren't for the actors and the locations, I honestly wouldn't be able to tell them apart.

What bothers me in particular is how different his past three films were on a story basis. The Social Network and Gone Girl couldn't have been any more different in regards to the themes and story ideas they choose to tackle, and yet, they somehow look remarkably similar because of how complacent Fincher is with his current style. I much prefer the look of his 90's flicks, where I can easily tell each one of his movies apart on quick glance. Hell, even his music videos back in the day stood out more visually from one project to another.



lol what "style"?


It's Jeff Cronenweth giving him that bland look, it doesn't help that every movie since Fight Club has been ripping off that sort of look for a long time.


It's Jeff Cronenweth giving him that bland look, it doesn't help that every movie since Fight Club has been ripping off that sort of look for a long time.
A shame because Cronenweth got off to such a strong start as a cinematographer with that film, and later K19 and One Hour Photo, each of which have his signature look but still look different at the same time. Now apparently both he and Fincher have gotten lazy.

I wouldn't go so far as to say every movie has been ripping off the Fight Club look, even Fincher and Cronenweth, because as is said above the latter's next two films pushed his talent, and even Fincher's own films without Cronenweth before and after Fight Club still stood out from it and each other, visually.


The cinematography of his films is usually a mix of piss yellow and puke green.


That's a weird thing to complain about to perfectly honest.

Movie auteurs like Wes Anderson and Tim Burton deserve WAY MORE criticism for their regurgitated and redundantly conceited view of the world thru their respective zany eyes.
