MovieChat Forums > David Fincher Discussion > Best "Villains" in Fincher Movies

Best "Villains" in Fincher Movies

I think it's kind of self-explanatory. Who do you think are the best villains from Fincher's movies and why? Some of these aren't your traditional villains, but I think they still meet a lot of the criteria:

5. Zodiac: The Zodiac Killer - Okay, so this one definitely isn't a traditional villain considering he only appears early on in the movie, kills a few people, then disappears, only communicating by a handful of ominous letters for the rest of the movie. However, he definitely leaves his mark, and if we're to assume Arthur Leigh Allen is indeed Zodiac, then he makes the villain that much more sinister in his few short appearances.

4. The Social Network: Mark Zuckerberg - Not a villain, per se, but a lot of his actions are characteristic of your typical villain. He's smug, selfish, bitter, deceitful, and envious, but he's the kind of character you love to hate, and actually feel a little bit sorry for by the end.

3. Se7en: John Doe - I'm not too sure what to say about John Doe that you probably haven't already thought. He's definitely a very demented killer, and the righteousness he feels in his actions make him that much more detestable. But in some sense, he gets under your skin because you can almost understand his anger towards some of his victims, though you could never condone his actions.

2. Gone Girl: Amy Dunne - This might be a controversial pick to put Amy Dunne over John Doe. She's not done the terrible things he's done, and while she's only killed one person, she has destroyed the lives of many around her, even creating a life solely for the purpose of manipulation. John Doe's victims knew their pain would be over eventually (except poor Sloth had to wait a while), but with the exception of Desi, Amy's victims had to keep living with the torment she has caused them; in the book, her malignant influence is felt by many more than in the movie.

1. Fight Club: Tyler Durden - Probably the most unconventional villain on this list, especially considering he doesn't even exist, Tyler has the charm and charisma of a cult leader, which is essentially what he becomes. The effects caused by the rest of the villains on this list is pretty small in scale, but as we see in Fight Club, Tyler's influence spreads nationwide and causes many to adopt his fascistic worldview as an extreme response to consumerism. Even after he "dies," we're given the impression that his influence lives on and becomes even bigger than the man himself.


outstanding choices!

My top pick is easily John Doe played by Kevin Spacey. Brilliant and chilling.

and for the most underrated villain in a Fincher film , I say it'd be Raoul in Panic Room. terrifying


I hated raoul! I wanted to hit him upside with a kaiser blade. Some call it a...
