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David Fincher: His Secrets on Directing & Visual Storytelling

For my money David Fincher is one of the greatest working directors alive today. Whether you love him or hate him he is one of the greatest craftsman working in the film business.

“What’s in the box? What’s in the box? – Detective Mills (Se7en)

I’ve followed David Fincher’s work since his commercial and music video days. I worked in a commercial production house when I started out and had access to his work from a friend I had working in Fincher’s production company, Propaganda Films.

Now if you want to go deep down the David Fincher rabbit hole the series of videos below go that deep and more. This series of videos, by filmmaker Cameron Beyl, is by far the most detailed breakdown of the director’s work and career. Cameron pulled out commercials I saw in the 90’s and thought I would never see again.

If you love David Fincher, then prepare to put aside over 3 hours to watch this amazing analyses of one of the greatest filmmaking minds today.

Check out this video series:
