MovieChat Forums > David Fincher Discussion > Rank Fincher's films

Rank Fincher's films

Best to worst of all the films of his that I have seen so far

1. Seven
2. Fight Club
3. Zodiac
4. Gone Girl
5. Panic Room
6. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
7. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
8. The Social Network


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the word "worst" does not really describe any of those movies.


It really depends on what mood I'm in.

I'd definitely have to watch dragon tattoo and benji button


Just saw Gone Girl so this is what I'm thinking...

1. Seven-9
2. The Game-8
3. Gone Girl-7.5

4. Zodiac-6
5. Fight Club-6
6.Panic Room-5

I haven't seen the rest yet. I'm interested in TSN but Fincher doing a corporate computer based film doesn't sound like my thing, although I'm sure it's good. How good I can only guess.

I'm a big fan of Seven, The Game, and now Gone Girl, in respective order. Seven is my favorite, but the other two are very well done.


I'm interested in TSN but Fincher doing a corporate computer based film doesn't sound like my thing, although I'm sure it's good. How good I can only guess.

It's really damn good. Might be Fincher's best. You don't get a 95/100 metascore by accident.

The dialogue, editing, pacing..all brilliant.


I gave it a 9.5 after watching it the other night. However, I had time to digest, it, sleep on it, and think about it, and even though it was a near-perfect film, I had to admit that I didn't like any of the characters really except for Sean Parker, and the material it was based on, while inspirational to some minor extent, wasn't really that interesting. It was true that I already knew the basic story (who doesn't?). So while it was nearly a perfectly made film, I did not like it as much as Gone Girl. I admit GG had more flaws, but I enjoyed it more and will always enjoy it more and remember it more than TSN. That being said, I still give TSN a 9.5 and GG an 8. I just like GG better.

Yes, I commented that Aaron Sorkin did an incredible job writing this. It is pretty brilliant all around. However, I will agree with one aspect of it I've seen people criticize: the first 10 minutes-15 minutes were incredibly boring, not the way you want to engage an audience in a film like this. Of course, they do turn it around and pick it up and it sustains a good pace thereafter. And also, it's true that the main characters ARE NOT likable. That may be the way they really were in real life, but it doesn't help the audience fall in love with, really like or admire, or really root for anyone. So I can see where some people wouldn't rate it as high. Still, I gave it a 9.5.


Good review and Im glad you liked it.

I didn't find the first 15 minutes boring at all. The opening scene at the bar was trademark Sorkin. Mark is such a condescending prick, even to the girl that he is dating. Right from the first minute of the movie his character is established. The dialogue between them is great.

It's also the perfect starting bookend for his character. His entire arc in the story is about this one girl. He really likes her but he cant seem to get out of his own way. It shapes everything he does with Facebook. He makes sure that the BU paper (where Erica goes to school) does a piece of Facebook, and even offers up 10 hours of coding in order to get the article printed.

Then there is his rejection later in the film when he sees Erica. Her parting salvo to him is "good luck with your video game or whatever" and this totally pushed Mark harder. The fact that she didn't even seem to know what The Facebook was got under his skin. "We have to expand".

Later in California when things are really taking off he's still thinking about her, asking Sean about the girl who scorned him and inspired Napster. Sean was over her....but Mark was still so hung up on Erica, although he would never admit it.

Then there he is at the end of the film. The final scene takes you right back to the opening scene. They have Facebook in Bosnia, but he's still trying to work up the courage to add Erica as a friend on FB, and then sits there refreshing every 5 seconds. He's desperate to prove himself.

Going back to the opening of the film...The opening credits are AWESOME. Mark running through the campus quietly while that chilling piece of Reznor's score plays underneath. Great piece of music.

And also, it's true that the main characters ARE NOT likable

I don't think we're meant to like any of them. This isn't a typical protagonist V antagonist story. However, if someone had to play every role, Edguardo would be the obvious protagonist. Mark is not a likeable guy, but even though he's flawed, he's still incredibly interesting. He's this brilliant guy who might actually mean well, but his actions always seem to go to the contrary.

The story would be very average if it was told in any other fashion. The cuts are absolutely perfect though. One of the best edited and story boarded films I've ever seen. The back and forth between the telling of how Facebook came to be and the 2 separate hearings are the perfect blend. You would think that the viewer could get lost with all the time jumping back and forth, but they never lose our attention.

Im with you on liking a film like Gone Girl more than TSN. It's more entertaining. It's a more traditional dark Fincher type story. However, TSN is Fincher's masterpiece. Only film of his that Id consider to be more perfectly crafted would be Zodiac. I could write a novel about how well done that film is as well


Good description. Yes, that part of it was very good how Mark remained infatuated with the girl. In fact, it really added a lot of substance to the final scene, which I really liked and was impressed with. It was a great movie, no doubt. I totally agree on the editing, cuts, writing, and directing. It was extremely well done.

I'm going to rewatch Zodiac next. I couldn't get through it years ago, not that it was bad, but I was probably tired and fell asleep. I'll check that out. But yes, I agree that TSN is better than GG technically, but as far as an enjoyable movie, I really liked GG more. As I said, I rated TSN higher, but I liked GG more. Both are definitely good though.
