I gave it a 9.5 after watching it the other night. However, I had time to digest, it, sleep on it, and think about it, and even though it was a near-perfect film, I had to admit that I didn't like any of the characters really except for Sean Parker, and the material it was based on, while inspirational to some minor extent, wasn't really that interesting. It was true that I already knew the basic story (who doesn't?). So while it was nearly a perfectly made film, I did not like it as much as Gone Girl. I admit GG had more flaws, but I enjoyed it more and will always enjoy it more and remember it more than TSN. That being said, I still give TSN a 9.5 and GG an 8. I just like GG better.
Yes, I commented that Aaron Sorkin did an incredible job writing this. It is pretty brilliant all around. However, I will agree with one aspect of it I've seen people criticize: the first 10 minutes-15 minutes were incredibly boring, not the way you want to engage an audience in a film like this. Of course, they do turn it around and pick it up and it sustains a good pace thereafter. And also, it's true that the main characters ARE NOT likable. That may be the way they really were in real life, but it doesn't help the audience fall in love with, really like or admire, or really root for anyone. So I can see where some people wouldn't rate it as high. Still, I gave it a 9.5.