
many people believe Fincher to be a misogynist in his movie. Anyone care to agree or disagree?


You (or whoever else) must be joking. Some of Fincher's films are the very definition of feminism. Although sometimes they are to the point of going overboard (his last two films are good examples of this).

I say this as a feminist of the highest order. However, as also a fiction writer, I must also say that, feminism is not beneficial or entirely useful whenever it is forced. Too many writers/artists attempt this. You can't weakly incorporate feminism by simply tossing a gun in a chick's hands and have her randomly blasting foes left and right throughout a story. I mean, you can (many do), but to me the feminism should have context. Otherwise it does women little good (other than to see a fellow female being a badass on screen, despite however arbitrarily).

But when a lady is a badass and the story gives her decent character definition ( if not full-on development) or at least some surrounding context that makes her strength seem plausible, then the feminism is more rewarding, and so are the her victories/accomplishments. I don't expect Robert Rodriguez to ever grasp this.

If you wanted to make that argument a few years ago, you may have had a case, however vaguely. After his last two offerings, on the other hand, thou art a tad too late.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


I guess I can't respond in any way. I know what words will come out...



Did I say something wrong?

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


If believing men and women are not and never will be equal, then yes I am a sexist. Do I role my eyes when I see a woman on screen beating up a man (which happens WAY TOO OFTEN)? Yup.

So I hope he is "sexist" if we were all the same we wouldn't have separate bathrooms and showers, we wouldn't have separate Olympic events etc. Women would have to register when they turn 18 AND shave their head when the join the military.

So in answer to your question, I really couldn't care less. Fight Club is the greatest movie ever made so Fincher is immortal to me.

You hate Congress but every election you re-elect R "guy" and wonder why things never change!


I remember some critics claiming GONE GIRL was misogynist. Crap movie, maybe, but eh...


Anytime you make a movie portraying one member of a "protected" group in a negative light, you're considered a "sexist" as if all members of "protected" groups are perfect, good people that must be portrayed as akin to Jesus.

Brian de Palma, Lars von Trier, Nicolas Winding Refn & Quentin Tarantino have similarly been called sexist for their portrays of women in film. Its all PC nonsense that continually ignores the numerous positive female-centric films out there or the unique characters these filmmakers have created.


But when a lady is a badass and the story gives her decent character definition ( if not full-on development) or at least some surrounding context that makes her strength seem plausible, then the feminism is more rewarding, and so are the her victories/accomplishments. I don't expect Robert Rodriguez to ever grasp this.

That genre is called fantasy. There is no female in existence that is considered "bad-ass", because the moment you put a man next to her, she turns into a girl. Look at the best female athletes in the world, they will get beaten by teenagers in the respective sports.

To be honest, I hate "Gone girl", because its about 2 narcissists and alot of drama. That being said, real female power is the sexual power a woman wields. Manipulating men is the true girl power, which gone girl brilliantly portrayed.


He actually is classist, racist, misogynist, smurfist, culturalist, bookist, producerist, and makingmoneyist. Trust me, the guy is just a mephistopheles of modern hollywood. His movies all suck, and I have cast a pox upon his house(s.)

"I do not like mixing up moralities and mathematics."
