MovieChat Forums > David Fincher Discussion > Except for Panic Room

Except for Panic Room

I've loved all his films. Panic room had unfulfilled potential, but even The Game was a deep, if improbably, good film.

Love him, look forward to more of his films.

"I do not like mixing up moralities and mathematics."


I agree about Panic Room and am surprised by how little people discuss it and how it disappointed Fincher fans. It almost felt alien to me with Fincher asleep at the wheel. Is it possible that the producers/studio execs had too much control of that film? I ask because Fincher always strives for perfection.


I remember watching Panic Room for the first time on cable. I thought the movie was good, but not really memorable.

Recently, I rewatched it and was blown away. The camera work in the movie is outstanding, and the special effects still hold up.

Although the story isn't particularly special, the way that Fincher approached the material was wholly unique. I recommend rewatching it. Hopefully you get more out of it with another viewing.
