MovieChat Forums > David Fincher Discussion > Don't Waste your Talent on a PG13 World ...

Don't Waste your Talent on a PG13 World War Z Sequel're better than this.

PG13 Zombie films sucks ass.

Stay Away from this stinker, unless you're planning to do it the right way, R rated.

Even then why would you direct a sequel to a trash PG13 Zombie film?? I don't get it.


Agreed!! If he values his reputation as a director, he will stay far away from this.


I agree with the WWZ2 part, but if if he did a stand-alone zombie film and made it super gritty I bet it would be a lot like George Romero's early stuff, as fa as all the social commentary.


"I am I am I said I'm not myself. I'm not dead and......


People were probably saying the same thing with The Social Network, Gone Girl, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Everyone had reasonable objections to these projects but seemed to underestimate Fincher. He likes a challenge, likes working within the machine and subverting it a little. This isn't what I would want necessarily for Fincher to make but I have had the exact same gut-reaction to a bunch of his films. I thought The Social Network would be of little interest to me. I ended up, like most people, thinking it was a bona fide masterpiece. If Fincher does pursue this, it'll be because he thinks he can do something interesting with it.


Agreed; this boggles the mind. The first film totally screwed up the book it was adapted from...if Fincher jumps into this franchise he's just perpetuating a mistake that's already been made. Don't do it, Dave!
