MovieChat Forums > Terry Farrell Discussion > Woman with class (Star Trek)

Woman with class (Star Trek)

In The Next Generation we had Troi. In Deep Space Nine we had Dax and in early voyager we had Kes. What do they all have in common they are all beautyfull and they all have class. Unfortionatally now we have T'Pol and Seven. Yes, they are beautyful but there the town whore. What happend to charactiors we actually care about. As a teenage boy i dont exacly object to the seens of T'Pol in the decon room but after every epasode of that it gets lame. Gene Roddenburry said you can keep the diffrences in sexes as long as they still have class. Now am i the only one a little outraged.


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oh... forgot to mention as a quick question. did you know her husband is the spoaksman for the sprint advertisement.


I'm surprised you didn't bother to mention all the other women on Trek who have class! They sure make up for the ones who falter a little here and there.

About Terry's husband...yes I knew that...he's pretty hot too.


The Sprint dude that wears the black trenchcoat is her husband?? I never knew that.


She couldn't be any cuter on Deep Nine. The Sprint guy is lucky guy


Jeri Ryan a whore - How can you say such a thing - I have to totally disagree with you on that one my friend, She is probably the classiest woman of Trek Second to Kira/Dax. Troi I would rank highly but how could you forget Kira from DS9 she was classy.


Kira is the greatest Trek character ever!
And if Nana doesn't have class, then I don't know who has O_o!
