Vegas August 9-12

I have to admit that I declared war on the Star Trek Universe when they killed off my favorite character in "Tears Of The Prophets" and I havent watched an episode or bought a single book or DVD from them since. HOWEVER, it came to my attention that Terry is making an apearance at a Trek Convention in August.If anyone finds themselves in the area maybe they could find out if there is Life in Terry's carreer or is she retired......../


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Are any of you going? Could you hook me up with an autographed picture? lol

No seriously...anyone want to do me this favour? This may be our last chance!



She's appearing on August 10th. I'm not standing in line for a picture though. Go on Ebay, you probably have a better chance of gettting one there. I will take pics of her on stage though. I hope she sheds some insight into whether she will ever act again.


Don't know how much I trust those e-bay ones!

If you take pics you have to post them somewhere...or send them! Although I'm sure there will be pictures on the site.....


ok, anyone who goes there, please post a full report here...
i am sooo sorry that i cannot make it to vegas, i coul cry!!!


The Creation site will surely post the pics. I will try to post mine somewhere and let you know. I have yet to figure out how to do this yet, but I will work on it.


Just saw the pics on!
She looks awsome....but there's only 3 pics! I NEED MORE!!!! lol

reply posts an interview with her. She looked great, huge ring on her finger and her hair is real short.
