MovieChat Forums > Terry Farrell Discussion > Uncanny resemblence....

Uncanny resemblence....

Ok I feel very dumb....

But since this show started right up until today and checking out this board...I have always thought this was Lara Flynn Boyle!!!

Duh me ! ....


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Well you're not the only one. I thought LFB was TF for a while... They are very similar, long dark hair, pale skinned and of course very attractive facially.


I am sorry, but I can find no resemblance at all between Terry and LFB.
On the other hand, she does have something in common with Romy Schneider, especially on a certain picture of hers.
And I also think she looks a bit like Brook Shields.


I agree with both Brooke Shields and Lara Flynn Boyle. I am watching the episode of Cosby Show from 1985 and the resemblence to Brooke is striking, so I hopped on here to check it out. The picture of her that popped up......holy cow I thought it was LFB! She was heavier back in '85 (not heavy, but a fuller face) the pictures on here her face is much thinner and that is what makes her resemble LFB - in my opinion. LOL


I totally agree that she looks like Brooke Shields. I saw that same Cosby Show episode today and thought it was Brooke. I was wondering how old she was when that episode was aired since that was the whole point of the episode. I looked it up and no Cosby Show episodes under Brooke Shields. Finally found out it was Terry Farrell. Anyway they do look alike and looked alot alike back when they were younger.


I've always thought she looked like Brooke, but I see it more now when comparing Brooke in her Colgate comercials and Terry! I find they look a lot alike!


I think she looks like Sela Ward
