MovieChat Forums > Robert Downey Jr. Discussion > What's the point of arresting someone if...

What's the point of arresting someone if they'll be pardoned later?

Just read Robert Downey Jr. received a pardon from the Governor of California.

What's the point of arresting people for drug offenses if the offenses won't count later anyway?


Whats the point of having point of holding a 25yr old drug conviction over someone who is 15years sober? Sounds like hes worked really hard at making himself better. Helping communities and charities. He has been a good role model for many young people since ironman. People get their records expunged all the time. How do this effect you personally more than anyone else who gets their record expunged?


Sorry, i usually can type better. Lol


i believe they do still count, he still has the record but just means he can vote and stuff. he was also sent to jail, for some time, rather than minutes ilk some other peoepl and mandatory rehab and had parole etc, so wasn't just an arrest and then an ok you are pardoned. guess its also rewarding good behaviour, he's turned his life around and is working hard now in his life and new family and is a good role model for people who are struggling to see they can turn their life around. they also pardoned 90 other people the same time they did him, all who have been crime free for over a decade, so have shown good behaviour. they should be able to live fully in the community now and be able to vote in their country etc (i agree with the no voting rights when in jail).


Apparently it has more to do with the recent reclassification of drug offenses into misdemeanors than excusing past behavior. In Downey's case, I think he wanted his record expunged so he could go to Japan for promotional tours. He hasn't been able to do that with his Marvel movies, which penalizes the film company.


You act like they're just handing pardons out like Halloween candy. The point is that it gets people with drug problems off of the streets and (hopefully) help. At this point, Robert Downey Jr's been clean for over a decade. He's been the highest paid actor in Hollywood for three years in a row. He's one hell of a comeback story, and he truly is and has been an inspiration to me. So I'm not quite sure why you're acting like he's undeserving of this? He has completely turned his life around, and without the pardon, he was restricted. I mean, they wouldn't let him into Japan. He's changed, so why not let him live a healthy and normal life.


^^ 


This is a really good point, I hadn't even considered this aspect.
