The new Eddie Murphy

That's what he's become now. Every movie is a play-it-safe,phoned-in paycheck role with him playing the same schtick to the breaking point of being annoying and unwatchable.


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Since when would you say that is? Lately he was in the Marvel franchise and Sherlock Holmes, which surely fits parts of your description. That's two roles. Given, apart from "The Judge", "Due Date" and his small role "Kiss The Chef"there hasn't been that much else, but the Marvel stuff takes up a lot of time. And he has two little children at home. Can you imagine he likes to spend some time with them, instead of being somewhere else all the time? Why is it so hard to grant someone their own life?

Looking back some more years ... Tropic Thunder wasn everything but a play-it-safe movie, for all involved. And The Soloist, Zodiac, Love & Distrust, Fur, A Scanner Darkly, Good Night and Good Luck, A Guide To Recognize Your Saints? All the same schtick? Surely not.

has a thing for the dude portraying the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude


^^ Don't bother,the OP probably hasn't seen most of his previous movies.

I think it's great that he takes much of his time now to be with his little children.


^^ Don't bother,the OP probably hasn't seen most of his previous movies.

It's interesting how you people have completely missed the point of this topic. The OP isn't saying that he has always played it safe. They are saying that is what his career has become as of now. Look at his filmography:

2009 - Sherlock Holmes
2010 - Iron Man 2
2010 - Due Date
2011 - Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
2012 - The Avengers
2013 - Iron Man 3
2014 - Chef
2014 - The Judge
2015 - Avengers: Age of Ultron
2016 - Captain America: Civil War
Unknown - Sherlock Holmes 3

11 movies I just listed and ALL except 3 are Sherlock Holmes/Marvel movies. Due Date was a "play it safe" movie and he has a very, very small part in Chef. He finally released The Judge, which showed his potential. The guy is a very talented actor, but he basically phones in his career at this point. He doesn't do anything of substance. He has basically been playing the same 2 characters the past 8-9 years. It's sad considering how talented he truly is.


it's called a contract? and oh let's not forget the amount of money those two characters he 'phones in' makes him.. yeah he should definitely just drop them and not be known any longer. leave his career to his agent and stfu (:


it's called a contract? and oh let's not forget the amount of money those two characters he 'phones in' makes him.. yeah he should definitely just drop them and not be known any longer. leave his career to his agent and stfu (:

First, I am aware of what a contract is. I'm not an idiot. Second, just because he is contracted to do a certain amount of movies within the Marvel universe (or whatever), doesn't mean he is contracted to do those and only those. He IS allowed to do other projects. Third, your "let's not forget the amount of money those two character he phones in makes him" is called selling out AND is called playing it safe. It's always frustrating watching truly talented actors play it safe by playing the same character over and over and over JUST because it makes them millions upon millions of dollars. That is a waste of his talent, which unlike you, I'd rather not see. Fourth, I'm not actively going out attempting to be his agent or apart of his management team. So I am leaving his career to his agent. It's called having an opinion. A person is allowed to express an opinion. Finally, telling something to "stfu" just because they express a different opinion shows your maturity level. Until you can accept others have differing opinions, I suggest you not attempt to have conversations/debates on here (or anywhere) because it won't bode well for you.


It's interesting how you people have completely missed the point of this topic. The OP isn't saying that he has always played it safe. They are saying that is what his career has become as of now. Look at his filmography:

2009 - Sherlock Holmes
2010 - Iron Man 2
2010 - Due Date
2011 - Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
2012 - The Avengers
2013 - Iron Man 3
2014 - Chef
2014 - The Judge
2015 - Avengers: Age of Ultron
2016 - Captain America: Civil War
Unknown - Sherlock Holmes 3

11 movies I just listed and ALL except 3 are Sherlock Holmes/Marvel movies. Due Date was a "play it safe" movie and he has a very, very small part in Chef. He finally released The Judge, which showed his potential. The guy is a very talented actor, but he basically phones in his career at this point. He doesn't do anything of substance. He has basically been playing the same 2 characters the past 8-9 years. It's sad considering how talented he truly is.

Look at the years. What do you think, how much time that left him to do other projects? I don't think, anyone here missed the point. Be honest: If you'd get offers for a series of movies that will grant your income for years to come, could you really say no? Especially when the movies turn out to be huge blockbusters. RDJ is not Kurt Cobain that killed himself because he couldn't cope with the success. He'll be too old to play Iron Man soon anyway.

Nobody yet mentioned the future project of the Pinocchio material, Team Downey is about to produce. Emphasis on Gepetto, which will be Downey's role. This is what he can do with the money he's getting from the Marvel and Sherlock Holmes franchises. Fulfilling his own dreams. Actually I'm really excited for that project, thinking of all the chances a new point of view could add to the very dark and weird material of the book. And like "The Judge" it would give him the opportunity to show what a brilliant actor he is. That is, of course, when the script really brings in a different angle, but this is something I can see. His ability to ad-lib, in his own project ... I drool with the very prospect to this.

has a thing for the dude portraying the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude


He's been making Marvel movies mostly in last years, and he plays one character in all of them, no wonder he's same in every movie. Because it's the same character he's playing.
