Matt Damon says he takes whitewashing very seriously yet he's clearly deprived an Asian actor of a role in his new movie about the Great Wall of China.
These white libs need to seriously check their privilege.
Oh stop being a crusader. I'm sick to death of everyone trying to be a damn crusader. It's disgusting to cry about race because a certain actor didn't get a role and happened to be asian, or black, or latino. Shut UP. People lile you perpetuate race issues. You feel some grave injustice was done to you just because you're a certain skin color, or you have white guilt(if you're white) to the point of making people nauseous. The only thing people can do is treat each other decently and move forward. People like you prevent society from moving forward by crying out and making heinous posts on forums involving race because a certain actor wasn't cast. Grow up. Go worry about the starving kids (regardless of race) in our cities. Go help at a homeless shelter. Leave the racial/political crusading off forums. Disgusting crybaby.
Haven't seen the film nor do I want to but isn't the point of his character being a Western mercenary sent there to bring back the secret of gunpowder?
That's not "White washing" that is just the story.
And Liberals are all hypocrites anyway. So no surprise there.
Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.