Anyone know what happen to this movie? Anyone see it?
It seems to have disappeared.
Anyone know what happen to this movie? Anyone see it?
It seems to have disappeared.
It was released in the UK and Hungary, but has not found its way to the U.S and has no release date expected, not even as a direct to DVD feature.
Probably for the best, the reviews I've read say that it's absolutely dreadful and that Curry contributes strictly in a voice-over capacity. The trailer looked awful.
Thanks for the reply. Yes I had assumed Tim's part was a voice over, probably quite short. Tim said he never want to do all that make-up again after IT and that was 24 years ago or so. I can't see him changing his mind about that.
It does look like this thing finally stumbled out. Here's the link: _1_4?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1419289303&sr=1-4&keyword s=tim+curry
There truly is an audience for everything.