hi, anyone who read this!
I heard that Macaulay is getting drugs, I'm so sorry about that! I also heard that he will live at the most 6 months! I don't wanna to happen him the same thing like Whitney Houston! I tried to contact her too, but it was too late, I contacted her 1 day before her death. I know how to help Macaulay, and how to help anyone who is getting drugs, so please give me his contact or mail address, or his father's mail address! PLEASE ! TOGETHER WE CAN HELP HIM! THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Seeing as you refer to it as "getting drugs" I'm sure you have no clue what the hell you're talking about. And you didn't contact anyone. You may have attempted to, but you failed. Nobody cares about what you think.


Getting drugs. What a tool you are, kristina. You're a schmuck.


Are you retarded?
