
Look, I'm not a sappy kind of person but after reading all of these posts and replies (I'm guilty of it too at times), if I was in MC's shoes, I'd feel there was no hope either.
"Dead?" "What's WRONG with him?" "Looks sick" , etc, etc... Not much good is coming from this message board.
Yes, he most likely had a very troubling and difficult childhood and ya know what? Most kids coming out of Hollywood do. It's a difficult place and filled with many evil people in high and low places.
What someone needs coming out of and living in a place such as that (physically and mentally) is Support and the sign that there's Hope.
Let's give some positive thought to his life and the possibilities that lay ahead.
He had some acting chops and I'm sure still does.
It's easy for us to speculate because we only know what the media and morons like TMZ tell us. We make assumptions from what we see, tho know Nothing.
He would be appreciated if he came back to movies and TV.
We all have issues to face in life, some vices and some with worse demons than others. What we all have to know is that there...


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Your post is soooooooooooooo refreshing. Thank you.

Jack's not dead! Jack would never die without telling me, first!
