MovieChat Forums > James Cromwell Discussion > As Archie's buddy Stretch Cunningham

As Archie's buddy Stretch Cunningham

Didn't he seem a little young at the time to play him a friend of Archie's? James was about 30-35 and Archie was about 50. Then they have his character die!


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Didn't he seem a little young at the time to play him a friend of Archie's? James was about 30-35 and Archie was about 50. Then they have his character die!

People die suddenly in their 30s, as well as, in their 50s. Also, the age disparity of 15 years was never noticeable; it was about the interaction of their characters, which was the obvious common bond. And if you remember, there were two shocking points in the episode, which features Stretch's death: 1.)The fact that Stretch was a young man, presumably in his 30s, naturally everyone, and especially Archie were shocked and dumbstruck. 2.) The fact that Stretch was Jewish, which Archie was completely unaware until he arrived at the service, a religious ceremony.

What, just for once in your life can't you be serious?


They worked together on the loading platform. I interact with lots of people on my job and some are younger, some are older and some are around the same age as me. Just because Arch and Stretch were a few years apart in age doesn't mean they shouldn't have had anything to do with each other. And besides Stretch was "the Bob Hope of the loading platform". How are you gonna not be friends with somebody like that? LOL


Every time I see Mr. Cromwell, who has truly done some tremendous work-both good guys and some real creeps as well, I still think "Stretch Cunningham!" Much like every time I see James Rebhorn I think "Bradley Raines!"


I've seen him in quite a few roles, but I have to say that one of my favorite characters on All in the Family was Stretch Cunningham. He was just a funny guy and I wish the character had been used in more episodes. I remember him making a joke about when he and Arch were together they made "Starch" or something along those lines.
