MovieChat Forums > James Cromwell Discussion > He is 6'7", not 6'4".

He is 6'7", not 6'4".

He is clearly taller than 6'4", yet IMDB will not seem to accept it. Most websites and articles claim his height to be 6'7", and this is the height that IMDB used to list him as. I have submitted an error form more than once, but it is still unchanged.
When he made a guest apperance on 'E.R.', he had several scenes where his height could be directly compared with that of Goran Visnjic (6'4") and he was an easy 2-3" taller than him.
Also in the green mile along side David Morse (6'4"), he towers over both Morgan Freeman and Ben Affleck (both 6'2.5") in 'Sum of All Fears', and also he is clearly taller than both Donald Sutherland (6'4") and Clint Eastwood (6'4")in 'Space Cowboys'.
Fair enough, IMDB have made an error, but why not rectify it when alerted to it?

:"There's a contract out on your life"
:"My whole life?!"


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I think your right. I just saw an old episode of Three's Company with James Cromwell in it, and he is at least 6 inches taller than John Ritter who was 6'1".


The best example is in Star Trek: First Contact. Around the end, there's a scene with him standing right beside Johnathon Frakes, who is 6'4" and there is no way that they are equal heights.


Six four is nonsense. I was writing about him on another board a few days ago but couldn't remember his name. I referred to him as being about 6'6' and everyone knew who I was writing about.


I spent three hours with him at Universal studios (as part of a USC course). First off, let me say he is massive. He had to duck just to enter the room. No, I'm not joking. He is also very cynical. To the point where it's funny. He also was into swearing... a lot.

F'in this, f'in that, those f'in sobs in hollywood. And that was before he even sat down. Again - not joking.

But, he's also one of the nicest and most respectful people I have ever met. He was also very kind and warm to us lowly students.



How can one be "respectful" when they are openly swearing and supposedly knowing they are in front of others who might take offense to such language?

This is hypocritical to his PETA stance. If one were to slaughter chickens in a public forum, would it be "respectful" of that person to do so if there were people present who were previously unaware that such actions would take place? If he were subjected to such a sight I would hazard to guess that he would not find the slaughter to be respectful to him.

Of course not.

P.S. I mention chickens as he is noted on this website as being offended to the killing of chickens on "Survivor".


Whne I say he was respectful, I mean he was respectful to us students. We came to him to learn and he treated us as students who were serious about learning. He didn't look down on us are act all "high-and-mighty". He was very easy to talk to.



I understand how you found him to be respectful by his actions when meeting with your group. What I contended is that he was nevertheless disrespectful to your group by his actions when he wasnot meeting you but while still within earshot. He apparently disregarded that his language would not be apprciated by people around him.

If I were to be in a crowd and was dropping "f-bombs" left and right without regard for who may be within earshot and I then walked up to your group and was quite cordial, I would still have acted in a rude and crude manner by my previous actions within your presence.

While he was courteous to you and your group when directly speaking with you, he was nonetheless diesrespectful to you by disregarding how you would receive the langauge he used in your presence, even though it may not have been direct to you.

Another example, you are sitting your car and someone gets in with you and immediately lights a cigarette without asking if it is alright with you. He then is quite friendly and chatty to you, yet he has still been disrespectful by not taking into account that you may not have wanted someone smoking in your car.
