Facial transformation
The Shield Season 4 premiere (circa 2005)
Damages (Season 2, circa 2008)
http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35200000/Damages-glenn-close-35 254414-1930-1449.jpg
Why does she look like a healthy 40-year old woman in the first and like a man in the second?
Has she had anything significant done to her face? What could possibly have motivated her to do it?
Is it the hair? Is that what affects her appearance so much?
This is her in Damages (Season 1, circa 2007), looking lovely:
http://seat42f.com/images/stories/tvshows/Damages/PromoPhotos/glenn-cl ose-damages-photo.jpg
Is it the prominent forehead and eyebrows that gives her that masculine vibe that a full head of hair covers up?
I don't know, maybe it's just me.