MovieChat Forums > Michael Biehn Discussion > What if Hicks died on screen in a later ...

What if Hicks died on screen in a later sequel?

I still like Alien 3, but like many others, I was peeved about Hicks and Newt being killed off. Others argue that Ripley needed to be alone against the Xenomorphs. While I think this is over exaggerated, the idea of Ripley battling alone is compelling.

Along that train of thought... What if Hicks was killed off differently? For me, as a fan of Hicks (and Newt), it was never that they died so much as how they died. It reeked of rewrites, cheapness of Fox's part, and was pretty insulting. But I understand the argument that they needed to be removed from the plot somehow

I don't think Hicks needed a cheesy heroic death, but he deserved better than off screen circumstance. It's interesting to note that Michael Biehn first thought the character was going to be killed pre-credits via a chestburster and thought that was insulting. I agree. Don't kill him offscreen, don't kill him via chestburster, but don't give him a cliche hero death...

He could have been killed by the prisoners, an alien, or by some other means. I always thought he should have been in the film helping Ripley and growing closer with her only to be killed by the company somehow.


Always no mention for William Gibson story (even though he doesn't like the franchise still available), Mark Verheiden trilogy & Aliens: Colonial Marines all where they continued with him. Should never had the death counter above him.

How many times they tired to kill off Leon S. Kennedy but nope they kept on developing him with each outbreak. Leon is very popular would never kill him off otherwise his fanbase would rebel. Same for Hicks so look above you can continue alot further.

You gotta stay in your seats until the Sulaco reaches the terminal!


I try and pretend Alien 3 and 4 never happened lol. I didn't care for them. When I was younger in my mind I said Hicks, Newt and Ripley became a family . Yes agree he deserved a better death either way.




Same here.

