oirish accent
Another fantastic oirish accent for us to enjoy!!!We don't sound like that!!
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shareI agree. What a disaster of an accent. Turns me off viewing.
shareYep.....it bug's my arse when they mess up an Irish accent and make it oirish.
shareyeah but it gets dropped sharpish. they obviously realised its awful.
shareEr... more disturbing was the plucky IRA connection, though. Someone in the US forgot about that "war on terror" when deciding to make the loveable Fi an IRA terrorist. I think they gave up the Oirish for more important reasons than getting the accent wrong.
shareExpect her to be a "good" terrorist (whatever that is), who never killed anyone, and especially never blew up any innocent civilians. No doubt she was in it for "Irish Freedom", never mind the majority believe they are already free, never mind most of the IRA were in it for the drug and protection money and are little more than gangsters with PR.
While I've never been to Ireland, I have had the pleasure of speaking with a few people who've come from there. They don't speak like Fiona.
Very disappointing. One would expect a girl from the UK to have a better idea of how an Irish accent should sound.
(I must say, when the Fiona character dropped the fake accent, Miss Anwar does speak a much better American accent.)
One other possibility occurs to me. Over the decades, I've heard some studio stories that would curl your hair or straighten it. Try this idea: The fake accent was at the insistence of a studio executive. One who'd had no more experience hearing real accents than I've have performing brain surgery.
One who thinks all Russians speak like Boris Badenov from "Rocky and Bullwinkle".
One who thinks all Italians speak like Chico Marx.
In short, accents he'd heard in cartoon shows.
And he is the one who made Fiona talk like the leprechaun in the advertisement for Lucky Charms cereal.
What think you?
"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things,"
Of atoms, stars and nebulæ, of entropy and genes.
"kissablekirst on Mon Dec 22 2008 16:03:20 yeah but it gets dropped sharpish. they obviously realised its awful."
Thanks, just watched the pilot and it's very off putting. Glad I won't have to put up with it.