MovieChat Forums > Ann-Margret Discussion > 5' 3 1/2' ? Incorrect

5' 3 1/2' ? Incorrect



I met her in San Francisco at the time her autobiography was published. I was in a bookstore, browsing near the back entrance, and she came in the rear ext without an entourage. I'd say she might be about 5'1" or 5'2". but Paul Newman looked about 5'6" when I saw him and he was 6'11" (his military records confirm it). What struck me was that she was such a...small wouldn't be the right word, or slight, but she was more petite than I thought. She was kind of like the size I'd imagine Julie Christie to be. They saw Marilyn Monroe was smaller than she appeared on screen. (5'4" tall is about the average for American women circa 2000.)

Anywho, she didn't seem glamorous or anything. She seemed like a real person. Not a phony at all. I didn't expect to see Ann-Margret there and had an appointment.... I wish I had stayed for the book signing, but what do you say to celebrities? When I was 12 and saw you without a stitch on in PLAYBOY, you gave me hot pants!?! I mean, Ann has been a passionate since I was just about to become a teeanger, but the woman I saw walk in the store wasn't the woman on my fantasies. Which makes me like and respect her all the more..... I wonder if that's why I didn't blow off the appointment and stay!

"Miss Ann.... Miss Margaret" -- what would you call her -- "Miss Olson?" "Mrs. Davis?"

"Ann, I just want you to know that on my list of actresses I'd most like to f#@%, you're in the top 5!" And you have the longevity record on that list (Julie Christie is second).

"Why do people always laugh in the wrong places?"
--Nora Walker


Saw both A-M & Paul Newman in person; she seems about 5"3 & he was about my height 5"10. Both were real genuine & nice.


She always seemed tall to me. Most short women aren't as leggy as she is.


Paul Newman was 6'11"? Lol...on what planet? His miltary records are wrong!
