MovieChat Forums > Renée Zellweger Discussion > Renee comes clean about her eye surgery.

Renee comes clean about her eye surgery.

Read it here, a very nicely written discussion.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.


"Comes clean"? All she does is avoid answering the question by using circumlocution to deflect from the issue. Sounds like a load of double talk composed with a Thesaurus in hand, or written by a Princeton philosophy professor.

Look - no one cares a whit about whether or not she's had plastic's just that people are fed up with her lying about it.


I take pity on small-minded people who can't accept anyone's word and insist they "know" what is true and what isn't. You are one of those. You must "care a whit" otherwise you would not have gone to read her article. Her main point is the most valid, it is sad when people (like you) have nothing better to discuss than people and their looks.

If you or anyone else really think she is lying then just quit following her and quit seeing her movies. But to persist and call her a liar just puts you way mired into the "small-minded" category.

There is an old saying, "There are three types of people, those who discuss ideas, those who discuss events, and those who discuss people." Zellweger in her article discusses ideas, you and others discuss people. Poles apart.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.


But to persist and call her a liar just puts you way mired into the "small-minded" category.

Wow, you sound like a Hillary Clinton supporter.

To intelligent, decent, fair-minded people, the truth is VERY important; those who are deceptive are viewed as untrustworthy. To question deceptive people is NOT "small-minded." It is INTELLIGENT!


Some time ago, Marilyn vos Savant, was asked, "What is the most important concept, and why?"

She replied, "truth," because there isn't a thing you can do about it.

You may not get that, but others will.


As for your "lofty claim" that the bottom third of humanity just discuss people, you neglected to say that EVERYONE will discuss a person if they show up WITH A NEW FACE! In the first place, they are not recognized, and that matters. If my mother changed her face, or my sister changed her face, or my spouse, or my best friend, I WOULD NOTICE AND COMMENT! To not notice a new face on a person is DIM-WITTED AT BEST and STUPID at worst!


You are the DIMWIT here, you don't read with comprehension. I never wrote " that the bottom third of humanity just discuss people ". In fact the truth is we all exhibit some of each type of behavior at different times, but those who dwell too much on "discussing people", like whether or not a particular actor has had cosmetic surgery, are placing themselves into the "small minded" category. As long as you realize you are doing that then you are facing the truth about yourself.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.


She never admits it. She says I did not choose to. Very interesting wording. Is she implying the surgery was not elective?


Or maybe she had no surgery!?

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.


When she writes "I did not make a decision to alter my face and have surgery on my eyes," I thought to myself "Who made the decision for you?"

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


You ask who made the decision for her? It is simple, it is you, in your head.😕
