But to persist and call her a liar just puts you way mired into the "small-minded" category.
Wow, you sound like a Hillary Clinton supporter.
To intelligent, decent, fair-minded people, the truth is VERY important; those who are deceptive are viewed as untrustworthy. To question deceptive people is NOT "small-minded." It is INTELLIGENT!
Some time ago, Marilyn vos Savant, was asked, "What is the most important concept, and why?"
She replied, "truth," because there isn't a thing you can do about it.
You may not get that, but others will.
As for your "lofty claim" that the bottom third of humanity just discuss people, you neglected to say that EVERYONE will discuss a person if they show up WITH A NEW FACE! In the first place, they are not recognized, and that matters. If my mother changed her face, or my sister changed her face, or my spouse, or my best friend, I WOULD NOTICE AND COMMENT! To not notice a new face on a person is DIM-WITTED AT BEST and STUPID at worst!