MovieChat Forums > Bruce Willis Discussion > The end of his career?

The end of his career?

I believe so. It's easy for a former A lister to fall into B movie shlock (large check, little effort on their part) but very difficult to climb out.
Can't see him ever headlining a cinema poster again. A new Die Hard would likely come and go, or possibly never get off the ground to begin with.

As a kid I followed his career throughout the years, but his recent money related decisions have ruined any respect I had for his talents.

I'm not angry Bruce, just...disappointed.

Makes me love the likes of Gene Hackman or Sean Connery. They got sick of it. They moved on. Careers intact.


I was disappointed to hear that he got fired from the new Woody Allen movie for not remembering his lines and having a bad attitude. He must just not care about his work at all unless he's making millions and millions of dollars.


It recently occurred to me that I haven't seen a Bruce Willis headlining movie in many years, and have barely seen anything he's done in that time. Someone needed to do a "Die Hard" movie that was a return to form, but that's apparently not what anyone wants and it's too late for that.


He should of retired a good 10 years ago.


What I'm wondering is does he need the money so badly that he'll appear in seemingly any VOD action flick? Seriously, I find even Mel Gibson's situation to be much more preferable. Mel may only headline one action flick every few years and getting funding for his films may not be easy, but they're likely to be damn good because you know he's going to give a 110% effort on it (Get the Gringo was great, and Blood Father looks terrific).


I find even Mel Gibson's situation to be much more preferable. Mel may only headline one action flick every few years and getting funding for his films may not be easy, but they're likely to be damn good because you know he's going to give a 110% effort on it (Get the Gringo was great, and Blood Father looks terrific).

No doubt about it. Mel Gibson will NOT half-ass his way through a movie like Bruce Willis does now. Get the Gringo, for those who haven't seen it, is a GEM, and that's mainly due to Mel's performance. He's on top of his game as much as he ever was. I really look forward to seeing Blood Father, because I know he'll be great in that too.


I agree with you jmobleyj-1. I'm not angry with Bruce, but I'm disappointed in what he's doing with his career now. I'll just keep loving the older movies.


Not working for a pedophile hack is alright by me and everybody who knows Bruce is a better actor while pinching a fat O'Donnell on the toilet than woody...


Mel Gibson is worth almost a billion dollars. The passion of the Christ netted him about 700 million because he funded and produced it all by himself. He doesn't need to work ever again, so when he does decide to do something you know it is going to be high quality content. I feel bad for Mel. He was one of my favorite actors and then all that stuff happened. To bad it came out to late that he had bipolar disorder. I am not excusing what he did, but maybe it's time to forgive and let the man resume his career.
