MovieChat Forums > Bruce Willis Discussion > 2017 will be his comeback year

2017 will be his comeback year

He hasn't appeared in a major studio film since Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, but I'm quite sure that Death Wish will at least get him back in the public eye. Who knows about the film's quality, really, but it should help him regain his relevancy.

I'm curious, too, about First Kill - its premise and casting seems promising. That is, I like Hayden Christensen and really want to see both him and Willis make a comeback together!


I doubt it. The last movies by Eli Roth were just bad, since he isn't a good Director. It also seems that Bruce Willis just doesn't give a damn anymore, at least judging from his last performances.

To be honest, he should just quit and don't star in bad movies anymore. I love him, but he just destroyed his reputation by doing one awful movie after another.


He just doesn't care anymore. I'm not sure Bruce Willis even wants another blockbuster role at this point. He's in a great place in his life - famous enough where he can still get a huge paycheck but not bankable enough where he has to continue selling his soul.

"He makes me laugh, he'a always humping and pointing at Reese Witherspoon." - rebschucks


Um. Comeback from what exactly ? He's old and basically retired now. And he can look back on an extremely successful career.

He's 61, will be 62 soon, has been in more true classics than basically everybody else, has done basically all genres and done them all well.

About his attitude, I think he's simply a bit bitter due to the divorce with Youknowwho.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


'has been in more true classics than basically everybody else'

How can guys like Robert Redford, Robert De Niro, Gene Hackman, Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson compete!

It's that man again!!
