I hope that

When he's promoting his next movie he doesn't have to talk about the Harvey Weinstein shit TOO much, I mean obviously he's gonna have to but I really enjoy his interviews and like it more when he talks about movie stuff and would hate to see the Weinstein crap take over every interview.


He's barely said ANYTHING about his BFF Harvey Weinstein. I think he gave one press release, and that's it.

He's obviously not going to engage in conversation about it.


Well yeah cause he hasn't had done any interviews since he hasn't had to promote anything lately.


Other stars (such as George Clooney) have done interviews about Weinstein and the state of affairs in Hollywood re: sexual harassment.

Mr. Tarantino just doesn't want to do some.

He's covering his own @ss ... Which is what most people in business do. It's too bad.


Tarantino's a coward. He won't.


This slime bucket always has to couch the promotion of his movies in some kind of blathering point he makes in order to create controversy.
