Totally inflammatory with the "stealing". All good directors do .. Depalma learned the cinematic "torture tools" from Hitchcock.. It's an homage to the ones before.. Not to mention - Tarantino loves playing off genre and thats what makes him super endearing to me. Since Genre is outlined/defined by landmark films- It would be very hard to talk Martial Arts w/o Lee or western flicks w/o Leone..Its like he has created a selfaware Hyper-genre that is modernly accessible...
Well. Considering tons of film makers rip off QT’s style of film making, I guess it goes hand and hand. Did you trash James Cameron for ripping off Dances with wolves or Pocahontas when he put out Avatar? Did you rip George Lucas for Star Wars when he clearly was inspired by seven samurai and other Kurosawa films? QT is a Cinephile movie geek. He loves movies just like any of us movie lovers. Every major film maker borrows, re creates things that inspire them from their childhood, or a film they love. But yea. Rip QT for something that everyone in Hollywood does! Yer pretty cool man.