MovieChat Forums > Steven Spielberg Discussion > As much as I admire Spielberg, I think h...

As much as I admire Spielberg, I think he doesn't like Germans...

He has constantly revisited Germany for over 30 years of movie making:

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Schindler's List
Saving Private Ryan
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
War Horse
Bridge of Spies

And probably more.

Not that I didn't enjoy these movies.
But sometimes, I feel there has always been a shot, or a scene in his movies, which goes beyond simply getting the audience to hate Nazi's. And targets innate German appearance, character and language etc.

I'm not sure about any of this but just sharing this feeling to see if anyone agrees?


No, he doesn't like Nazis and fascists, which is a pretty understandable position to take if you ask me.

This is the man who made a film about the Holocaust where the hero is a German Catholic. He took a bit of flak from some in the Jewish community for that.

In War Horse he shows that there were good, decent Germans as well as some not so good ones, just like he did with the English characters as well.

Two of the protagonists in Munich are of German descent, including the main character, Avner. These are not negative portrayals.

Which German characters are you referring to in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

I think you're looking for something that just isn't there, not unless you discount all the positive or neutral portrayals of Germans in Spielberg's films.
