Kevin Spacey returns
… in this Italian film directed by and starring Franco Nero. Faye Dunaway and Robert Davi also star.
It’s been released on streaming in Russia. Nero plays a blind artist who draws accurate portraits based on how people sound, he gets arrested for false sexual assault allegations. Spacey plays the police detective taking him down. I’m guessing the actors will speak in English so it can have a global release?
Interesting to see Spacey return in this given the subject matter. He’s a great actor and I’m glad to see him return, he’s clearly testing the waters in a supporting role in a foreign film. The several allegations made against him have come to nothing so far… I suspect he engaged in some Hollywood groping, gay edition, but nothing Cosby-level. Until he is found guilty I want to see Spacey back on the screen, he’s such a great presence.
Russian trailer here: