MovieChat Forums > Kevin Spacey Discussion > Latest claim is of a sexual relationship...

Latest claim is of a sexual relationship with 14 year old

If this is true, he can't say 'I was drunk and don't remember', because it's not a one night thing, it's a relationship.

This would make him officially a pederast.


I hope be becomes eligible for free room and board at the federal penitentiary of his choice.


The daily mail AND an anonymous source? Must be true.......


He also raped my grandmother. Source: just a hunch.


I would consider believing it if it was a reliable source.

The co-worker story actually has other sources so that's probably true. I just have a hard time believing the second 14 year old boy story. In fact, it doesn't even fit with any other allegations except the boy being 14. Not that it would need to, but i'm just saying.


Who knows if its true. It could be made up.
