Rapp has said he was inspired by Weinstein's victims' courage in coming forward. I expect what he hopes to get out of it is exposing what is becoming clear is all-too-frequent sexual abuse involved in the entertainment industries, warning others, and encouraging anyone else who was assaulted or otherwise abused by Spacey, or anyone else.
"It's not dissimilar imo to Corey Feldman's allegations of a network of pedophiles in Hollywood, six of whom he claims he can name, including one of whom he alleges is still "very powerful." And yet, he is content to sit on this information for decades and only now with the Weinstein scandal breaking does he choose to come out, but not to name names. "
Corey Feldman has been speaking out about the (alleged) network of pedophiles for well over 4 years now. I hardly think he's been "content" to sit on the information, rather fearful and ashamed to speak out earlier, as is most always the case with victims of sexual assault. Corey's speaking out has nothing to do with the Weinstein scandal.
It may be the statute of limitation has run out and that's why he can't name names. It may be, as he indicated, he's fearful of retaliation on the part of the one person still active in the industry, and still powerful.
"Perhaps it's more an indictment on the media than anything else that has contributed to this "conspiracy of silence" for so long (see e.g. "An Open Secret documentary in which if memory serves Bryan Singer is hinted at, if not named, as a pedophile) that has prevented young boys and girls to bring to the attention of their perpetrators the offense at the time it's committed rather than allow so many years and decades to pass by and the potential of more victims and other young lives to be ruined."
Yes. Not only the media, but in part.