MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Inside the mind of the staged slap pushe...

Inside the mind of the staged slap pushers

I’m convinced that those who claim the slap was staged have a motive other than “what makes the most sense”. For some reason they want the slap to have been staged. Maybe they found a tiny seed of doubt and ran to the conclusion that they already decided. I don’t believe for a second you can logically deduce that the slap must be fake. So what is the reason someone would want the slap to be staged? I don’t know. They want the Oscar’s to look like a sham or a joke? They want to pretend will smith isn’t capable of losing his cool because he’s just too cool? Misleading media has caused them to be overly skeptical of everything that gets some headline attention?


People just tend to be cynical. Hollywood loves publicity and as the old saying goes "any publicity is good publicity". There's a lot of money riding on the Oscars and we'd like to think the producers of the show have some control.

I mean c'mon, security would have you in a choke hold if you had walked up to that stage. So are we to believe there was no security available to escort Smith out of the auditorium? That's what they're saying, that the shot callers were too widely dispersed in the audience to do anything. Uhuh.

I think it may have been staged. But I also think if it was staged, it benefited the Oscars, but it hurt Will Smith's career.


That seems pretty reasonable. But I could see people just being dumbfounded watching it happen and not really know what’s the right course to take. Maybe if it was some unknown dude walking at chris Rock they’d be right on him. And I suppose if Chris hadn’t played it off like he did it could’ve gone different as well. I agree not good for Will but I would think someone with credible insider knowledge would’ve said something about it being staged after this backlash. As far as I know, no one has.
