Movie Clueless

To begin with Alicia Silverstone wasn't right to talk against that movie and bad mouth everywhere and to everybody that she didn't like it and that it didn't represent her at all... For one thing she say she don't even like going to malls, but if she had a lot of money she would certainly like to be well-dressed and wear nice clothes, and where do we find them these nice clothes... That movie is called "advertisment", saying that she like going to malls give her public image a much-needed feminine touch... It's true that she is adorably clueless... It's no wonder her career took a nosedive after all that bad publicity she gave to the movie, who would care for the career of someone who doesn't even want to play the game...


wow, I didn't know she bad mouthed Clueless. That was one of her better roles....


It doesn't sound like she's talking against the movie. Maybe she's addressing people who thought she was really like Cher instead of just playing a role.
