Truly hates America
She wants Donald Trump to destroy America? That's what she thinks is great? Evil woman. Truly hideous in every respect.
shareShe wants Donald Trump to destroy America? That's what she thinks is great? Evil woman. Truly hideous in every respect.
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shareQuite right. I would think a supposed feminist like her would be proud of Hillary Clinton's accomplishments. Sarandon's suggestion that Hillary Clinton is "overcompensating" was sexist to the extreme.
shareI think substance abuse has wrecked her mind, the way it did Roseanne Barr's. They've both turned from well-meaning-but-dumb people into completely ridiculous idiots. They should both probably go get some CT scans done on their skulls, frankly.
shareShe has completely shown her true colors over the last few days. She clearly doesn't care about the poor, the abused, minorities, banning the death penalty, gay rights, etc. if she is willing to walk away from a party (which she probably is not an actual member of) that is working for those issues all because she doesn't get everything she wants just like the spoiled Beverly Hills diva she is.
I wish Jane Fonda, Meryl Streep, Sally Field, Barbra Steisand, Angela Bassett, etc. and all the intelligent (and much more talented) actresses supporting Hillary would call her out on her behavior. She is a very destructive and selfish individual.
Let's see, demeaned and publicly humiliated women who accused her husband of sexual assault and rape. She has used racial slurs to describe Jews and black people. She said she believes gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry, only to conveniently change her mind in the last couple of years. She allowed four men to die after ignoring their pleas for help and then she lied about it under oath. She said illegal immigration is a problem and that we should build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. She wants to make Christians change their beliefs but be more accepting of Muslims despite the never ending stream of attacks, everyday, across Europe, that Muslims initiate. She opposed the Civil Rights movement. The Clinton Foundation stole money that was supposed to go to Haiti after the earthquake of 2010.
You're delusional if you think Hillary will do anything good for this country.