MovieChat Forums > Winona Ryder Discussion > She doesn't "deserve" trolls

She doesn't "deserve" trolls

That she has one or two strongly suggests to me that this person or these people are mentally ill and in need of State Hospital level care and detention.


they just can not stand a woman so beautiful with very loyal fans. They probably love her too, in their strange way.

problem named James


She's earned trolls in the same way she earned a Golden Globe nomination. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Jealousy is the evil twin of success.


Jealousy is the evil twin of success.

Eagerly awaiting the Lifetime movie adaptation where Jealousy knocks out Success, ties her up in a closet and takes her place at the awards show! :D

Also, makes out with her boyfriend. :D:D:D


Too classy. Thinking more of something starring Kendall and Kylie Jenner.😜


We did say there was one, maybe two trollsl then you had to mention Kendall and Kylie. Hmmm. Hmmmmmmmmm.


Kendall and Kylie are our trolls?! Hmmmmm... *rubs chin, ponders*


Kendall and Kylie Jenner. I'd comment but I don't know who they are. Are they famous for giving some dude head like that one Kardashian chick?
