Best reeves roll
Tim ludlow street kings no doubt
shareCheese & bacon
shareI've never tried any of Keanu's cooking, so I don't know which roll is his best.
shareLet's be mindful that many of Reeves' admirers are not native English speakers. Some who are received an utterly substandard education through fault not their own. A roll/role goof can be forgiven rather than mocked, yes?
"Best" role depends on what kind of best. Best resulting movie? Best use of his skills? One that pleased me most? The role in which I found him most attractive?
YOUR A VIRGIN!What did my A Virgin do?
It's the question that drives us. I know the answer is 42.
All these jokes about rolls is cracking me up! Lmao.
shareFor me it will be either John Constantine or John Wick...or kevin something from devils advocate.
shareJohn Wick? Yuck.
Maybe Kevin Lomax.