MovieChat Forums > Mike Myers Discussion > Would Shrek have been as successful with...

Would Shrek have been as successful without hints of Dinsey in the film?

I'm a year 13 A level film student doing my independent study on the development of animation, I have chosen three films to focus on:

Snow White
Toy Story

After looking into Shrek in detail i found there is alot of hints of Disney within the film.

Do you think Shrek would of been as successful with out using hints of Disney within the film?


Fairy tales were always Disney's wheelhouse. If you think of the major animation studios in history, all created original characters and styles, but Disney dominated animated films for most of the time and all their top animations were based on classic fairy tales. Shrek was a call back to a fairy tale world. While they aren't parodying Disney, nor even attempting to follow a Disney film model, I would agree there are many elements of Disney in it, which would seem inevitable considering the film intended to turn the genre on its head, and the public's perception of animated film adaptions of fairy tales was almost exclusively Disney.


Actually, the first Shrek film was heavily parodying Disney. There were a lot of pot shots directed at the studio.


For sure a huge part of Shrek's success was playing on the nostalgia of Disney's film catalog.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"
