Movies You Wished Demi Had Starred In...
Are there any movies that you think would have suited Demi?
My picks for movies I wished Demi had been in:
1. The Silence of The Lambs (Jodie Foster)
2. Panic Room (Jodie Foster)
3. The Hand That Rocks The Cradle (Annabella Sciorra)
4. The Terminator/Terminator 2: Judgement Day (Linda Hamilton)
5. Maleficent (Anjelina Jolie)
6. Batman Returns (Michelle Pfeiffer)
7. Hanna (Cate Blanchett)
8. A History of Violence (Maria Bello)
9. Any 80's slasher
10. Hannibal (Julianne Moore)
11. The Wrestler (Marisa Tomei)
12. Unfaithful (Diane Lane)