MovieChat Forums > Demi Moore Discussion > Movies You Wished Demi Had Starred In...

Movies You Wished Demi Had Starred In...

Are there any movies that you think would have suited Demi?

My picks for movies I wished Demi had been in:

1. The Silence of The Lambs (Jodie Foster)
2. Panic Room (Jodie Foster)
3. The Hand That Rocks The Cradle (Annabella Sciorra)
4. The Terminator/Terminator 2: Judgement Day (Linda Hamilton)
5. Maleficent (Anjelina Jolie)
6. Batman Returns (Michelle Pfeiffer)
7. Hanna (Cate Blanchett)
8. A History of Violence (Maria Bello)
9. Any 80's slasher
10. Hannibal (Julianne Moore)
11. The Wrestler (Marisa Tomei)
12. Unfaithful (Diane Lane)


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I like your breakdown. As for the 80's slashers, clearly Demi was of age to have appeared in one of these films during the early 80's and it would have been fun to have one on her roster!

Do you have any suggestions on roles you'd like to have seen Demi take on?


I also want to say a major YES to Demi being in Unfaithful, I would have loved to see her work with Adrian Lyne again.


No to all of them. UNFAITHFUL?????? Diane Lane OWNED that film. Plus, she acts....Moore doesn't.


All of those movies had cast the right actress, especially Unfaithful. Diane Lane carried that movie. Moore would not have done as well. Can't see her with Richard Gere either.


I would have liked to have seen her in Top Gun. That way, A Few Good Men would have felt like a sequel in spirit.

More about her missed opportunities:
