Unsolved Mysteries!

Almost fell over! Just saw the Unsolved Mysteries segment that was Matthew's first acting credit here! In the recreation, he plays Larry, a murder victim who was killed by a rapist that was exposing himself to children. When Larry tried to stop/detain the creep (withholding his truck keys) he was shot 4 times. Fortunately, this airing concludes with an update. Edward Harold Bell was caught in Panama and is currently serving a 70-year sentence.

I often wondered if any significant acting careers ever came from these types of recreation roles. Goes to show the potential is limitless!


A clip used to float around the interwebs of that scene.

That's how the steel gets hardened.

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see more glass


In this microwave age, maybe less celebs started out in commercials or things like Matthew did, but many actors did in the past.
