MovieChat Forums > Dolph Lundgren Discussion > Not as bulky as he was in 80's

Not as bulky as he was in 80's

did anyone else notice Dolph wasn't as bulky in his later movies as he was in movies like He-man and Rocky 4.

I recently watched universal soldier and was a bit surprised, he didn't have much of the mass as he had in the 80's. I know the 80's was a decade for bodybuilding, and they stamped down on steroids after that.


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are you retarded or a troll? of course he's not going to be as buff now. you're comparing him when he was in his 30's to now when he's in his 50's.

omg i can't believe someone changed over the course of 20 years. what is this, i don't even. you should smack yourself for a question that stupid.

on another note, for a guy his age he's in damned good shape still.


Not as retarted as you as you obviously misunderstood. I am comparing him to his shape in universal soldier which was filmed in the 90's to his physique in the 80's. I am not comparing him from the 80's to present. You should smack yourself for having the intelligence of scum. Learn to ask for clarification before you insult you low life!


Your post was unclear due to your level of retardedness.

After further inspection of your previous postings, I have come to the conclusion that you are indeed a retard and not a troll. Good day to you.

Also, both in the Rocky movie and He-man, he was shirtless and heavily oiled during his scenes. That might explain why he looked so ripped. Other than that...why would anyone know the how or why of his supposed muscle loss during the course of 5 years? Your question remains asinine and retarded. Now good day.


I'll have a better one than you, you low life scum of the earth. either you're blind as well dumb or you'r just plain thick! It wasn't just the oil, he was visibly larger in He-man and Rocky 4 than his 90's movies.


Yes! and a rebel. lol


Yes he slimmed down considerably after his shape in Masters of the Universe. But in Showdown in Little Tokyo, for instance, he was in awesome shape. Apparently he used steroids but quit around 1987. I always figured he did. Because the way he said he trained and ate for Rocky and He-man, there's no way that was all natural muscle.

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