MovieChat Forums > Dolph Lundgren Discussion > When Lundgren + Van Damme finally square...

When Lundgren + Van Damme finally square off at the end of Regeneration

When Lundgren and Van Damme finally square off at the end of Regeneration, this sense of lost time gives their conflict an existentially tragic dimension. They have to kill each other, but they don’t remember why. Lundgren’s only in the movie for a little while — you get the sense that both these films have been constructed so as to not unduly tax the stamina of their fiftysomething stars — but he’s great in it; the flicker of self-awareness in his eyes recalls Roy Batty’s “Tears in rain” speech at the end of Blade Runner, at least until Van Damme spears Dolph’s veiny forehead with a lead pipe and then fires a shotgun through it.


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It's like a running joke, he doesn't have anything to say but there's almost subconscious memory of their previous "life"...
